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Nothing is more enchanting and vivacious than large windows of your room from where ample sunlight is coming through and makes your room brighter. But if you are living in a windowless room where there is no natural light, then what will you do?

Don’t, worry. Here, we are giving you some ideas how to make a windowless room brighter.

1. Add mirror:By adding a large mirror to your wall, you can easily simulate the effect of a window. This will not only make your room brighter and but also create an illusion and will make your room larger than its usual size.

2. Go for light shades: When you are living in a windowless room, go for light shades like white pale yellow, off-white, etc. which can brighten the things up. You must be painted both the walls and ceilings with the light shades which will make your room brighter.

3. Choose your bulbs and lights prudently: Firstly, discard all those old and humdrum fluorescent bulbs. Rather you should go for soft white incandescent bulbs that will make the lighting seem more natural and make your room brighter. You can even choose full-spectrum bulbs, but they are costlier than regular incandescent bulbs. They will certainly mimic the sun’s natural light and are ideal for a windowless room. You can also go floor lamp, table lamp, and other indirect lighting to light up the ceiling. Highlight your corners and other nooks with table lamps would be a great option for you when you are living in a windowless room. All these options will help you to surpass that cave-like atmosphere and will lighten up your room.

4. Don’t go for wooden furniture: Though wooden furniture can make your home more compelling and beautiful, say no to wooden furniture when you are living in a windowless room. You can opt for furniture that made entirely or partially in glass or acrylic. This material has the capacity in bouncing all light that hits them.

5. Choose closed cabinet: People often go for shelves or giant consoles to decorate their room. But when you are living in a dark and gloomy room, don’t purchase these kinds of furniture. Because they will occupy most of the spaces and will also block your light-coloured walls. Thus, your room will look darker and shabby. So, for a windowless room, you must choose closed cabinet with white colour or any other lighter hue.

Living in a windowless room or in a dark room is always a challenging job for you. Hope, from the above-mentioned tips, you can get an idea how to make a windowless room brighter and glaring. These days, the internet is thronged with many more ideas and information. So, with the help of the internet, you can find some more ideas to make your windowless room brighter and happening.

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