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A bathroom plays an imperative role in your house, but very often, it is ignored by the family members. A stinking and damp smelling house is not at all appealing in front of your guests or your tenants. The smell in the bathroom is the first thing that most of your guests will notice.

Here, we are mentioning some inexpensive tips on how to keep your bathroom smelling fresh.

1. Air it out : A bathroom which stays damp can easily develop a mildewed odour. So, after using the bathroom (shower or bath), switch on your bathroom fan or open the window until the steam dissipates and the walls and floor are dry.

2. Clean your bathroom frequently: A bathroom gets stinky and smelly if you have children or adult person in your family. Clean the floor of the toilet weekly to keep it sparkling and hygienic. While cleaning, pay attention to the toilet seat hinges and rim. Clean your shower enclosure, tub and glass shower doors at a regular interval. Try to discard all the accumulated hair from your bathroom drains periodically. This will help keep them smelling cleaner and you don’t need to face clogging water on the floor.

3. Use baking soda and vinegar: To Deodorize your drains, use baking soda and vinegar. At first, add a cup of baking soda each to your sink and tub drains, and leave it for a couple of hours. Then add vinegar and wait for 5 minutes and rinse it with hot water. The baking soda extirpates odour from your bathroom. Apply this method at least once in a month to keep your bathroom hygienic and odour-free. You can also use activated carbon which is a natural odour absorber. Just pour the carbon into a container and then set it on the bathroom counter or the top of the toilet tank.

4. Add a pleasant scent: These days the markets are thronged with many bathroom fresheners which will give a pleasant fragrance to your bathroom. You can use a mixture of pine, rose petals, spices and citrus peels smells natural or can keep essential oils in your bathroom. Another way to uplift the ambience of the bathroom is to use a scented candle. Light the candle before using the toilet, then turn off it once you are finished.

5. Wash your toiletries: Wash your towel, shower and window curtains, bathroom mat, etc. on an interval basis. A smelly towel or curtain can make your bathroom stinky and unhygienic.

6. Wash all your personal care products: Wipe and dry all your personal care product bottles and jars that you have kept inside the cabinet. Because moisture tends to pool under them and create an environment which encourages the bacteria to grow and spread odour.

These are some ways by which you can keep your bathroom odour-free. If your bathroom remains hygienic and smell-free, then you and your family members will become less susceptible to any disease.

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