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Have you ever looked into your closet with a despair? You will certainly not find what to wear until you pull out half of the closet. Well, it’s the high time to organize your closet properly to enhance the aesthetic look of your room. Here we are giving some tips so that you can keep your closet in a tip-top shape before it starts overflowing into your rest of the room.

1. Empty your closet :- At first, take everything out and keep them another place. Since everything is out, now you can clean, paint or even vacuum your closet.

2. Organize and purge :- Now before purging, categorise your items such as pants, shirts, dresses, t-shirts, shoes, and belts. Take a look at your clothes and identify which haven’t you worn in a year or which are in poor conditions. Now, put the items which you frequently use at eye level and the least-used items up high so that you can easily find out your clothes.

3. Go for hanger management :- If you have hangers in your home, use them prudently. If you have trouble getting rid of clothes, then put all your hangers backwards. Once you wear and wash something, then place it back on the hanger in a proper way.

4. Go by seasonal :- You can organize your clothes in the closet based on the seasons. During the summer season, keep all light-weighted clothes, cotton items, etc. to the front of the closet for easy grabbing. Similarly, during winter, keep your jackets, leather garments, etc, on the front side. This will help you to organize and keep your closet neat and clean.

5. Try to use boxes :- Nowadays, the markets are crammed with many plastic boxes of different sizes. So, you can purchase them and keep items like shocks, belts, hand gloves, or for some winter items.

6. Label your items :- If you can go for tagging like handkerchiefs, socks, shoes, belts, etc., then this will help you to find out your clothes or items within a few seconds.

7. Incorporated some hooks into your closet :- Hooks are the best way which will help you to add extra items without taking any floor space. You can easily keep your handbags, umbrellas or even jewellery items in the hooks.

8. Hang your shoes properly :- You can purchase a shoe hanger and store several pairs of shoes. You can use the space under your hanging clothes. When it comes to organizing your shoes properly, you’ will get more space if you can keep them by right and left opposites.

9. Add lights to your closet :- If your closet is dark and shabby, then it will take a lot of time to find out the proper things or clothes. Add some lights to your closet so that it will look bright and you will find out your stuff easily.

10. Find out an alternative place to store the items which you don’t use frequently :- Don’t keep all those items into your closet which you use rarely. You can keep those rare-used items into another place.

Hope, these handy tips will help you to organize your closet properly. If you are still in a mess, then hire a professional who will help you to get rid of this daunting task.

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