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Monsoon is very delightful and pleasant to watch, but sometimes, water seeping from your windows can be annoying. So, this is the time that you need to make your fenestration systems watertight.

Here, we are mentioning some steps how can you waterproof your windows in monsoon to stay safe and contentedly inside.

1. Caulks :- Window caulking is the best way by which you can waterproof your windows. Window caulking means you need to seal the joints of the window frame to the base wall so that an impermeable system can be created. Silicone, silicone latex, and rubber are common compounds used to window caulking. Generally, caulk compounds require 24 hours to set that’s why you need to wash or clean the area in advance. Always do caulking when the weather is dry for a few days.

2. Weather-strips :- Weather-stripping is inexpensive as compared to caulking but it is also very effective. You can easily fix your leaky windows by installing self-adhesive weather-strip tapes along the seams of the window pane and frame. These tapes don’t tarnish the aesthetic look of the windows. You need to carefully choose the material which sticks well to your window material. Generally, rubber, foam, felt, and vinyl are used for weather-stripping on windows.

3. Frame arrangement :- If you want to replace your squeaky windows, then this could be the best option for you. Engineered metal and uPVC windows consist of special integrations which prevent leakages and drips from entering the home. Basically, the frame section of the window has an elevated inner track which fastens rainwater and diverts it out. Moreover, the position of the sill averts the water from coming indoors.

4. Foam sealants :- They are very much similar to caulks. Usually, foam sealants are the sealers which can be applied with a foam gun. The foam expands and fills gaps big and prevents rainwater from entering the room. This gives better insulation than that of caulks and weather-strips. Once the foam dries completely, you can remove the excess part with a knife or peeler. It is advisable that you don’t do this job by yourself. Rather you should hire a professional and the sagacious person who has a vast of experience and knowledge regarding this even if you required a small job.

5. Self-adhesive tapes :- Though they are temporary solutions, they are quite powerful. You don’t need to invest a chunk of money for these tapes and they firmly adhere to all kinds of surfaces and textures. With these tapes, you can easily seal your dribbling windows on your own without taking any expert advice. You can use a gaffer tape or an all-weather flashing tape to seal your windows.

6. Window snake :- If you are looking for a quick solution to fix your dripping windows, then go for this option. Generally, window snakes or draft stoppers or draught excluders are long cushion-like tubes which are filled with insulating material. You can make window snakes by yourself with old fabrics like socks, pillow covers, t-shirts, etc.

These are some useful tips by which you can waterproof your windows in a budget-friendly way.

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