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False ceilings often known as drop ceilings or suspended ceilings will not only enhance the look of the home but also conceal all your wires, cables, ducts and the hardware of the light fittings. These days, most of the rooms are crammed with false ceilings as they help you to plan for ambient lighting.

Here, we are mentioning some do’s and don’ts of false ceilings while using for your home.

1. Check the height carefully: First, you need to check the height from floor to ceiling slab level is enough for a false ceiling, without making the room congested or claustrophobic.

2. Pre-plan: Pre-plan your lighting layout in advance. Because this will help you to choose your design for the false ceiling. Always go for simple and straight line designs and try to avoid mouldings.

3. For large spaces: If you have an adequate space, then you can go for double-layered ceilings of unusual shapes and textures to make it more compelling.

4. Go for a border: If your room doesn’t have much height, then opt for that kind of a false ceiling which runs along the periphery of the walls. This will not cover much height and will give you the option to create mood lighting which will make it more attractive and beautiful.

5. Maximize the space: You must maximise the space between the slab and false ceiling by hiding or concealing all the electrical wires, AC ducts, copper piping etc. within them. Otherwise, these will tarnish the look of your room.

6. Check the strength: Generally, a suspended ceiling is lightweight and is not robust and strong. So, if you are planning on hanging chandeliers, any ceiling lights or even other hanging decorative items, then before hanging them, you must check how much weight your false ceiling can support. For safety, it is recommended that you must install a piece of plywood just above the gypsum sheet of your false ceiling. This plywood will provide the false ceiling with required strength to hold the weight of an object.

7. Fan rod:If you are planning to install rod ceiling fan, then it must be installed before construction of false ceiling, specially if you are going for a gypsum or any other lightweight ceiling.

8. Check strength: If you are planning to hang heavy item like swing, then you should install a sturdy hook in the ceiling slab before creating the false ceiling so that it can hold up the weight of the swing plus the weight of the people who are going to sit on it.

9. Provide insulation: If your false ceiling is just under the terrace of your building, then it is recommendable to place thermocol sheets as an insulation. The thermocol sheet will minimize the heat consumption and thus, make air conditioning efficient which will keep your room cool and vivacious.

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