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Who doesn’t want to live in a home that is well organized and clutter-free? An organized home looks good, feels great and makes it a breeze to find your belongings. However, it is clearly easier said than done. No matter how much we long for it, most of us fail to keep clutter at bay. Mainly because we feel it is an unachievable feat. We are not sure how to go about it and refrain from living our comfort zone, to begin with.

Bother not! Make your home clutter-free and organized with these 5 easy steps:

1. Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need :- erit;”>”I follow a rule where if I haven’t opened a box within 6 months of shifting house, I just get rid of it. If I haven’t needed the stuff in the box for the entire duration of 6 months, that is most likely not needed at my home. Our houses are full of things we don’t need and the first step in making the home clutter-free is to get rid of ‘excess’.” – Anonymous

Owning too much stuff is one of the primary reasons for all the clutter. To get rid of clutter, you need to make a list of items you don’t need such as outdated gadgets, outsized clothes, old batteries, broken furniture and so on. Remove everything that is a part of the list and you will soon see your home clutter-free.

2. Create More Storage Space :- Lack of storage space can also be a big reason that may lead to clutter. If so, then it is the time to create more storage space. Buy furniture that can double up as storage space and come with storage boxes inside them. Bed, sofa sets, ottoman, table, almost every furniture in your home can have a storage box. You can also upgrade your existing furniture and integrated boxes in them.

Another way is to use the entire wall area and create ceiling-to-floor wardrobes in your home. You can keep the regular use items on the lower shelves while things you need once in a while can be placed up high.

You will be amazed at how much stuff the furniture boxes and upper shelves of the cupboards can store.

3. Embrace Habits that Help Managing Clutter :- Keep aside 5 to 15 minutes every day to replace things with their original position and clean clutter. You will be surprised at how much can be done in mere 5 minutes. Making home clutter-free is an ongoing process that has a lot to do with your habits.

Cleaning kitchen after every meal, replacing towels, books, gadgets to their original position after using them, a family cleaning drive every fortnight are some of the habits that can do wonder managing clutter. It may take conscious efforts in the beginning but once you will see the difference, you will find it easier to embrace healthy clutter-clearing habits.

4. Put Labels :- Put a label on everything. On drawers where you store your medicines, stationeries, electricals, paperwork or on baskets inside the fridge. Label food items and arrange them on different shelves based on their types.

When you label things and keep them in a designated area, it becomes a lot easier to pick certain things and replace them back after using it. Not only for you, but everyone in the house can keep things in their designated area thereby effectively reducing clutter.

5. Do Smart Shopping :- In addition to getting rid of excess, it is also important that you shop wisely. The more things you bring into your homes, the more you have to find space for. And when you buy only the things you really need, you end up saving a lot of money as well. The best way to shop is to carry a list of items before entering the mall or supermarket. If you are tempted to buy anything that is not in the list, question yourself if you really need it? Can you do without buying it? In most cases, you will save yourself time as well as the hassle of managing unwanted things.

Follow these steps and make your home a clutter-free heaven

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