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As we bid adieu to 2017, people across the world are ready to welcome 2018 with much zeal and enthusiasm. For some people, New Year is nothing more than just another year while for many other the changing calendar brings along new hope, new aspirations and a wish for better times.

Every year as we welcome the New Year with open arms, we certainly take a look back at the past year for all the good and bad memories it has brought along. For India, 2017 was a year of hope and positive changes. While Manushi Chillar brought the Miss World crown home after a long gap of 17 years, Women in blue reached World Cup Final first time ever and made it the highest followed women sports in India. ISRO launched a record-breaking 104 satellites with a single rocket, breaking Russia’s record by nearly 3 times and for the first time, FIFA Under-17 World Cup was hosted in India taking the popularity of sports to another level.

In a landmark decision, Supreme Court granted every Indian ‘right to privacy’ despite their sexual orientation. And at the same time, we witnessed violence and sad demise of people during Guru Ram Rahim Singh’s conviction. While the death of 7-year-old Pradyuman in Ryan International School raised questions on the safety of our kids at School but again declaration of Triple Talaq as unconstitutional gave women empowerment a whole new meaning.

No matter the number of highs and lows in 2017, here we are looking at 2018 as a year filled with hope, opportunities and positivity.

Team Venkatesh Buildcon Urban Nests, wishes you all a very ‘Happy New Year’.

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