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You don’t realize how dangerous things in and around your house are before you have a baby. Once you have a toddler in the house, there is danger in every corner. From electrical sockets to sharp cutlery, from plants to stairs, everything is dangerous for a child.

If you have a new-born or a child-on-the way, you need to make your house ‘child-proof’ for the cute demon. Here are few tips you can follow to make your house child-proof.

1. Be Careful With Electrical Items :- Electrical items are among the most dangerous that when taken proper care of can be life threatening. To make your house child-proof, replace all the electric sockets at home with childproof sockets. Always remove items like table fan, iron, power banks, hair dryers, etc from the sockets when you are not around.

Always tie-up tapes down long electrical cords and make sure there are no loose or open ends in a wire

2. Be More Vigilant :- Always be vigilant and check the floor every few hours to ensure there are no small objects that a baby can swallow, such as pins, buttons, coins, nails or dirt. Move sharp objects away from the reach of the children. Fasten a loose piece of furniture and attach them to walls as much as possible.

3. Anything Poisonous Should be Kept High or Indoors :- From potentially dangerous plants to cleaning supplies, insect traps or rat poison, anything that can be dangerous for kids should be kept in a high cabinet or in an Amirah with a child-proof lock. Make sure the cooking stove is kept away from the kids’ reach.

All the medications and cosmetics should be carefully kept. You should make it a habit to replace the used item to their original place to avoid any unwanted accidents.

4. Bathroom Safety is Important :- Never leave water standing anywhere. Not in the bath, sink, bucket or tub. Even a tub full of water is enough to drown a baby. If your bathroom has a bath-tub, make sure you keep it empty when not using.

Close the toilet lid immediately after use. Switch of the geyser after use as a baby skin is very sensitive and hot water from the tap can cause serious burn to them

5. Stair-safety :- Stairs can be very dangerous for children making stair-safety a matter of concern. If you can afford it, it is a good idea to install a safety gate at the top and bottom of the staircase. If not, place hurdles that the kid cannot pass through. Also, if the gaps between the railings are wide, tying ropes for additional safety is a good idea.

Apart from the above points, small things like placing cushiony rugs around the bed to prevent injury in case the child falls, removing automatic door locks from the bathroom as well as the main door, keeping refrigerator locked always, etc can make the house very safe for your child. In addition to taking all the above safety measures, it is also important that you are always alert and the child is never left unattended to ensure complete safety of your kid.

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